Saturday, October 10, 2009

Costume 5K...80's style!

It's official! Whitney and I are registered for the St George Half-Marathon on November 7th. We are very excited! Meanwhile, between training for it, we've signed up for a couple 5K races. Our first one was a Costume 5K. Whitney and I ran with my friend Kyle. When we left this morning he didn't have a costume. Since Whitney and I were in our 80's outfits from the Loft, we did some quick thinking and threw together a fabulous outfit for Kyle. We picked up a mullet at Rite-aid and then i grabbed my hot pink short shorts and extra headband. Throw it all together and you have the perfect outfit!
We re-enacted our finish. In reality Kyle smoked us, but we all still had a good race! Tina the Fat Lard! I saw my old EFY counselor from two years ago! hahaThese guys won first place for the costume contest. They actually ran in those outfits! When we passed them (haha!) I asked them to "shake it" for us, which they gladly did. They were good sports :)


  1. Good work! I can't believe you ran a 5k! Man - I am so mad that you weren't my running buddy here. Luck with the training.
    Love the S & P.
    That's centenial middle school right? we used to run workouts there occasionally

  2. Hey Larlee! Great to see your blog...and to see that you have been busy having more fun than ever! When do you want to come over for dinner? If I don't call me! We had scouts over last Sunday so it was too crazy around here, but things should settle down soon. Love your running costumes!

  3. I'm so glad you did that race! I wanted to so badly, but I had to work. (boo.) It looks like you're having a blast at BYU-- which you should!

    Welcome to the world of blogging!
