Sunday, September 12, 2010

Summer Snapshots

While making this blog, I realize that I have had the best summer of my life so far. I got to share it with my favorite people and in my favorite places: Family, Friends, and the East Coast. What more can you really ask for?

Summer began in April this year. Its kind of crazy to start summer vacation in the middle of the Spring! But BYU has its finals the third week of April, and luckily Mom and Dad had planned to visit Grandpa Jensen around that time. They were able to pick me up and help me pack up my beloved dorm room. Lets just say it wasn't easy for me to say goodbye to my freshman year. I loved it, along with all the friendships I had made. I was mess, trying to say goodbye to all of my friends, many of whom I wouldn't see for more than two years! Luckily, my best friend, Courtney, was moving out to New Jersey in a few weeks to nanny for a family that only lives 5 miles from my house! So we all said goodbye, knowing that we would be having tons of fun and making new memories in only a short time. After a tearful drive out of Helaman Halls and Provo (give us a break, we really weren't ready to leave!) Courtney dropped me off at my Grandpa's and drove back home to Idaho for a few weeks. I was so grateful to see my sisters and precious little nieces. We all went to the zoo and had a fun time seeing all th
e animals.
The sign says, "Do you live in Cougar Country?" I reply, "HECK YES I DO!"
The next day Mom, Dad, and I boarded the plane and flew back to my home. Oh how I love the East Coast. I love the fact that I'm a true Jersey Girl. There is no other place I would like to claim as my own. So here is the typical rundown of what goes on at home:
Apparently while I was gone, my family developed an obsession of Scrabble. They have a crown and everything that the winner gets to wear while playing the game. Since I rarely can come up with words that are more than 3 letters, I usually just observed them playing.

JERSEY PIZZA!!! My favorite food in the entire world. Jenna and I got some the day after I got home. 4 months is just too long without this food sent from heaven. It is so much fun having Ty, Jenna, and Carter living at home with us. Jenna is not only my sister-in-law, but one of my best friends/running coach/scrapbooking parter/shopping buddy. I also loved playing whiffle ball with my brother. Its so great having him at home again, especially since he isn't a mean tease like he was when we were younger ;). And words cannot describe how much I have loved being so close with one of my nephews. Little Carter was born right as I was going through Security on my way to Utah to start my freshman year. We certainly made up for l
ost time though, and he became my little buddy.
He definitely is a little beach babe! I loved his sunglasses a little more than he did.

And of course, there is no such thing as a summer without my YANKEES!!!!!
I'm not going to lie, this is one of my favorite buildings in the entire world.
Dad and I went to the Yankee-Red Sox game, where the Yankees ended the game with a come-from-behind walk off win!!
We both also got new hats. Dad got his from an official merchandiser, and paid 20 bucks. I on the other hand, bought mine off a black guy in the subway for $5. Haha I just told dad that we both are living within our means :).

Courtney finally arrived to New Jersey! She loved it immediately. The first weekend she was here, we went to New York City!

I also took her to Six Flags. We survived Kingda FREAKIN Ka and many other roller-coasters.

How many people can say they rode an elephant!? I am one of those few people. Court and I went to the NJ State Fair with some of my high school friends. Courtney thought my friends were hilarious and very interesting, to say the least.

We also took Courtney to her first Yankees game. She is a true fan now, despite her family's complaints.
We took a day trip to Philadelphia. Even though I had been to a bunch of these places before, it was so much fun taking Courtney for her first time. It made it exciting for me again.
Dad, Ty, Jenna, and I went to the Yankee-Phillies game.
AND I CAUGHT A FOUL BALL!! Mark Teixeira, my favorite player, hit the ball! Even though I had to wrestle a Phillies fan for the ball, I was the one who walked out of the stadium with it :).
I was shaking for quite sometime because of a mixture of shock and excitement.
I had a great time with the YSA this summer. We truly have a great group on the East Coast. We all took a trip up to Palmyra to visit the sites and see the Hill Cumorah Pageant. My testimony is always strengthened there. I am also reminded of my gratitude for the Prophet Joseph Smith and the early saints.
The Sacred Grove
On top of Hill Cumorah

The Blond Trio!
Our other close friends, Emily Apeland, flew out from Oregon and joined us for a few days. We went to Six Flags, the Shore, and of course, NYC.

We saw the Lion King on Broadway, which was AMAZING.
My favorite part was going to Top of the Rock! Talk about a nice view from above.

My favorite trip of the summer was definitely the Pennsylvania roadtrip with mom. We had THE BEST time together. We went to Longwood Gardens and Amish country. I love my mom so much, and every minute that I spent with her on that trip is treasured.

Courtney and I's last trip extravaganza was to the nation's capital. Thanks to Court's dad, we got to tour both the White House and the Capital Building. How cool is that!? Our trip to Washington D.C. was definitely a great way to end off our summer together.

My last week in Jersey I spent at Girls Camp. I was the Ward Camp Director, and I loved it. The Freehold girls are the best. They always have been, and they always will. I am so happy I was able to become so close with them at camp. It certainly made it even hard to get back on the plane to Utah.
I tried packing Carter in my suitcase, but I was caught. :(
I realized the reason I am so bad at handling change is because I am terrible at saying goodbye. I hate leaving the people I love, even for a short span of a couple of months. I guess its good incentive to live a good life so I can be with the people I love forever. I never want to say a permanent goodbye. I guess I can handle the little ones for now.
So in that case, goodbye Jersey Shore. Goodbye Yankee Stadium. Goodbye good food. Goodbye my lovely family! Goodbye Summer. And goodbye my wonderful New Jersey.
For now:)


  1. Goodness Larlee - makin' me all teary eyed! I miss you a lot. Gonna be a long 8 months for us. You sure have a knack for getting good pictures with your Dad - those are priceless!

    It was an awesome summer. I have hopes at least for one more summer with you here :)After that - who knows where you could be . . . :)

  2. haha aww thanks jenna!i miss you SO MUCH! but to be honest im expecting you to hop on the airplane to utah for like 5 bucks in the near future. at least i hope you will! love ya!

  3. I am a little late with congrats on getting back in the blog world. I missed the long dry spell, but have thrilled with the summer and current catch up. Great Pictures. Keep it up for a grandma who loves you.
