Sunday, September 12, 2010

and we're back!

HELLO PROVO! And hello Sophomore year! It is so weird being here again. I'm not going to lie, I miss being a carefree Freshman living in the dorms with a magic meal card. But its time to grow up and be responsible. So far, it hasn't been too bad! Jami and the girls picked me up from the airport and helped me move into my apartment. I also got to celebrate Jami's birthday with her! That's a first!

Courtney and I are finally official roommates! FINALLY! I live at the Colony. I will post pictures of the inside soon!
Justin came to Provo to visit me and Celeste. We had a fun time together, as always.

Courtney and I on the way to the first football game of the season! We played a good game against University of Washington and we won!

I ran into Brigham, my good friend from my freshman year ward. He is soon leaving to go on his mission to Brazil. Good luck, Brigham!

BYUSA reunion!

I love my roommates so much!
Courtney, Kari, Me, and Emily

Its great to be back in this stadium!

So yesterday morning, Courtney and I decided to hike the Y. For fun. Although we are paying for it now, we had a great time. And the view from the top is truly spectacular.

We didn't hike the Y. We flew up the Y!


  1. Larlee's back in P town!!!

    Awesome pics as usual. I love the Y gate - is that brand new?

  2. Jenna- I'm not sure. It has been there the past two years that I've been there
